Mindfulness is a practice that allows us to become aware of what's going on for us in a non judgemental and non confrontational way. The benefits of regular mindfulness practice are widely known and include:
- Better concentration
- Better ability to deal with mood and emotions
- Better ability to cope with life's ups and downs
- Better appreciation of the good in our lives
as well as many physical benefits such as reduced blood pressure, stress and risk of major health problems. So if it has all these benefits and more, why isn't everyone practicing mindfulness everyday?
Well as we all know its can be hard to break old habits especially if we've spent a lot of time forming these habits. We get into a cycle of doing things in a certain way, saying things a certain way and reacting to situations in a certain way. These become our default coping strategies. Our brains have built complex neural pathways to support these because, through repetition of these habits, we've told our brains that these things are important to us. However, we can also tell our brains that there is another way.
Neuroplasticity is the technical term giving to the ability the brain has to alter itself and create new connections. Our brains are not fixed machines that only run a certain way. They are living organs that change over time in response to how we interact with the world around us. The daily practice of mindfulness can help create new positive pathways that will lead to a more productive, aware and grounded approach to life.
The people at the Austin Mindfulness Centre offer the opportunity to take part in a five day mindfulness challenge, all you have do to is sign up and practice. With all the benefits that regular mindfulness practice offers, it really is a no brainer. Why not give it a try and see what difference you notice after just five days?