Stress & Anxiety

Stress is a normal part of life, as is anxiety. We need a certain amount of stress to get us up and about in the morning and we need a certain amount of anxiety to keep us safe and alive. This is called an appropriate level of stress or an appropriate level of anxiety. However if we experience stress or anxiety for now reason or over a longer period of time, this has a negative impact on our entire wellbeing.

The following exercise can help us reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and panic when they arrive. When we feel stressed, anxious or panicked, our brains are trying to give us a message. One way to help deal with these experiences is to ask ourselves what this message might be. We could, for example, be worried about exams or staying up late at night studying, partying or gaming. We could be putting ourselves under pressure to preform better or we could be feeling physically unwell.

Getting to know more about how stress, anxiety and panic affects us helps us to deal with the symptoms when they arise. where do you feel stress, anxiety to panic in your body? Maybe in your stomach or neck or face or head or somewhere else. When you feel these symptoms, you can notice them and allow them to rise and fall remembering that you are SAFE and these feelings will PASS.

Below are some useful links relating to stress, anxiety and panic.

Breathing Exercise Worksheet

Anxiety Worksheet

Calming the rush panic

How to settle the mind

A Lust for Life: Exam Prep and Time Management Course

Dealing with Panic Attacks

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